Mon 23rd to Friday 27th November 2015 @ Matamata Airfield
Sunday 11 October
This year we offer a course for beginner cross-country pilots; if you have yet to achieve 50 km "Silver" distance, and want to prepare for your first flight out of gliding range, then this is for you! Most pilots will need concurrence of their instructor's panel, and ideally will bring a single seat glider with them; the course is based on alternate days in a two seater with an experienced cross-country pilot and flying your single seat aircraft on the same task as the two-seaters. In the evenings we have some presentations (usually starting with "Paddock Landings" on Sunday evening) and debriefing on the days flying. Each morning, we'll start by looking at the weather forecast, setting a suitable task, and then talking through flight planning, before launch time.
For those learning to fly from scratch, aiming to your first solo flight in a glider. We anticipate small numbers, no more than three pupils for each Instructor, so you will be able to achieve several flights each day (weather permitting). Indicative costs, based on 2,000 foot aerotow ($48) and 30 minute flight ($27) say $75 per flight, and 3 flights daily for 3 days, then winch flights (for circuit and landing practice) say a winch launch ($15) and 6 minute flight ($5.40) so $61.20 for three circuits, repeated 3 times per day for the other two days - grand total of $1042.20 spent on flying (just so you can budget!). There is a good probability of achieving "first solo" subject to weather and individual rate of learning - we cannot guarantee solo, we can guarantee a great learning experience and lots of progress in your flying in an ideal training environment.
General flying for QGP club members will be available during this time. Non-QGP pilots will need to organise an instructor to be responsible for them if you want to fly solo.